GO!PHA response to the Waste Framework Directive (Revision)

GO!PHA is a non-profit engaged in promoting circular and sustainable materials such as PolyHydroxyAlkanoate (PHA) biopolymers that are renewable, biodegradable and compostable. We welcome the Commission’s proposal to revise the Directive on waste. Notably, the renewed focus on addressing food waste within this directive reflects a keen awareness of the pressing challenges associated with the intricate nature of food waste management. This revision is an opportunity for the EU to demonstrate a commitment to fostering innovative solutions. In its pursuit of waste reduction, resource efficiency and adherence to the principles of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, there also arises a clear need to recognize bio-waste, which includes food waste, as a valuable resource.

Preventing food waste is essential, but it is equally important to distinguish between "food waste" and "food wastage." We support the amendments proposed by MEPs on the original text asking for “differentiating “food wastage” (food which could have been eaten) from just “food waste” (non-edible parts) more distinctly” and “encouraging the use of food waste for biogas, bio-fuels.” Understanding this difference is key to implementing targeted strategies for minimising avoidable food waste and utilising overall food loss in the supply chain.


GO!PHA position on the UN Treaty on Plastics